Run, Developer, Run!

Waveshare Game Hat review

Best DIY portable console

If IKEA made game consoles, it would be Waveshare Game Hat. Some assembly required, but you can get it working in 10 minutes without any special skills. And no soldering!

After that, you've got all possibilities of standard Raspberry Pi (which are endless) in the portable factor. Besides playing games, you could easily install Kodi, and watch videos and Youtube. And the list of compatible games goes far beyond console emulators. Personally, I recommend:

This is standard Raspberry Pi running Linux, not custom chip. As you probably know Raspberry Pi 3 can handle 1080 movies and PSX games without any issues.

Awesome. Read More →



On a random note, if Doomguy had a cheap watch, it would be Skmei 1301.

Quickly view source of script in Fish

If you have lots of handcrafted awesome scripts for Fish shell and constantly improving it, you also might be interested in this one.

When you type src [command] (autocompletion works here!), it will open script file in $PATH, Fish function or alias definition in your favorite text editor.

For example

src math

Source on Github

USB 3.0 cable tip

Did you know, that using cheap USB 3.0 cables could decrease performance dramatically? Lets compare Samsung EVO 850 M.2 inside Transcend CM80:

MB/s Cheap cable from Ebay Stock cable
Reads 42 438
Writes 43 388

Don't try to save money on cables. Buy something good and reasonably priced, like Anker or consult list of good cables.

Double Commander

Double Commander doesn't look as bad as at first glance if you configure it properly! Looks modern, right?

And it's still the best file manager in Linux. Tuning and configuration possibilities are endless. If you invest some time learning non-always-obvious configuration, you can make it work exactly as you want. Sweet.

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Run Fish Shell command from any app

I've implemented little script that allows to call Fish Shell prompt from any app. Very handy for running single commands from Double Commander or Sublime Text:

  • Prompts for single Fish command in left bottom corner of given application window
  • To make benefit of Fish shell autocompletion and history
  • Closes after one command is executed
  • If command fails, leaves window to inspect error message

See this animated gif for example.

For example you want execute git clone [email protected]:dmi3/bin.git in current directory from Double Commander:

  1. Press Shift+F2 and terminal window appears in left bottom corner of Double Commander window
  2. First you want git and clone to be autocompleted using Fish
  3. During clone process you want to see git command output to monitor progress
  4. If everything is ok, prompt will close
  5. In case of error you will have chance to read error message

Source on Github

Nonitrusive User Tracking Tip

⚠ UPD: This is kind of outdated. Read about how to create your own web stats in the age of GDPR and Ad Blockers.

What if you want to know a little about your website visitors, without full-on creepy surveillance and 1, JavaScript controlled by the third party? Or don't have JavaScript on the page at all? Just you know, to be aware if anybody is reading your blog at all.

This is kind of outdated infromation. Nowdays you probably want use Cloudflare or roll your own webstats)

I don't want to track every your mouse movement or know browser or resolution. Just visitor page views, please.

So almost every Web Analytics (except Google Analytics, of course) - Clicky, Yandex.Metrica or StatCounter, have an alternative image in <noscript> to track rare visitors without JavaScript enabled.

Put this image, somewhere in your template, and you will still get insights!

By the way, why does everybody need to bring tons of code to show little share button? Whats wrong with old good <a href=...?

Crash Bandicoot

Sony PlayStation 4 players

Did you know that first Sony PlayStation had an accessory called multimap that allowed to play split screen for 4 players? I knew, but neither I or my friends were never able to get this accessory :(

But there still a chance to play Crash Bandicoot with 4 friends, as Mednafen emulator supports it!

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Breaking News Tip

Very busy, but still want to get notified about really important news like Meltdown or Heartbleed?

Just query 3 lastest topics from Hacker News, with rating > 1000. You can format it nicely using jq, and add it as greeting message for your shell, using this simple script ↓

Source on Github

The major difference from weekly newsletters is it that newsletters need to fill up content to 10 topics, even if nothing happened. 1000 point threshold saves you from clutter, and you will not be bothered if nothing happened. "No news is good news".

Some alternatives:

  • Check News API for more sources
  • Ubuntu motd was initially meant to do that, but...
  • If you are not busy at all, check newsbeuter - awesome CLI RSS client

Breaking News

Markdown Tip

       _____                                           ._.
      /  _  \__  _  __ ____   __________   _____   ____| |
     /  /_\  \ \/ \/ // __ \ /  ___/  _ \ /     \_/ __ \ |
    /    |    \     /\  ___/ \___ (  <_> )  Y Y  \  ___/\|
    \____|__  /\/\_/  \___  >____  >____/|__|_|  /\___  >_
            \/            \/     \/            \/     \/\/

Remember WordArt? Miss these cool creative headers in the modern world, where all sane people write their documents in Markdown? Pro tip, you can achieve same expressiveness by using FIGlets!

You can generate it online, commandline or even find plugin for your favorite text editor!

Don't forget to indent it with 4 spaces, to preserve monospaced font when compiling to html.

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